Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Evidence Base Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Proof Base Practice - Essay Example Proof based practice alludes to straight use of the aftereffects of logical examination discoveries to proficient practice (Wall, 2008). The adjustment of this strategy plays an achievement throughout the entire existence of nursing in light of the fact that through proof based nursing work on, nursing will never again be regarded as a training dependent on impulses however will rather a training upheld up with logical investigations that infer steps and techniques that are clearly demonstrated to be viable gotten from the real periods of study. Grasping Innovations The utilization of proof based practice clears path for a progressively sound dynamic. It presents a reason for a nursing activity to be executed. Before its coordination in the nursing procedure, medical caretakers should initially be totally mindful with respect to prove based practice and the significance of its utilization. A community oriented exertion to request selection of proof based practice is basically by and by (Wall, 2008). In an investigation by Chang et al. (2011), information, expertise recognition and mentality of medical attendants with respect to prove based practice were resolved. The investigation included attendants from two open medical clinics in Singapore which gathered reactions from three fourth of the staff registration (Chang et. al., 2011). The vast majority of the respondents guaranteed that they have moderate aptitudes as far as exploration (Chang et. al., 2011). ... As usual, with the presentation of progress in the regular techniques, it is addressed and restricted by a few perspectives. The presentation of something new can't be completely instituted as development without difficulties and obstructions. In his book, Cody (2006) suggested the part of subjectivity and independence of the nursing procedure. He expressed the â€Å"nurse-individual process†wherein he underscored that the training itself can't be guided by proof alone. There are sure factors preceding that dynamic, similar to qualities and standards (Cody, 2006). In actuality, the investigation of Chang et al. (2011) concentrated on resolvable issues like insufficient assets for research. It will be a basic for emergency clinics and offices to build up well prepared libraries and to give staff chances to upgrade of their examination abilities. The examination mirrored the inspiration of medical caretakers to do investigate; in any case, it likewise featured the mindfulness t hat there isn't sufficient comprehension of factual information in research (Chang, et al., 2011). Digestion into Practice Evidence-based practice has become a prevailing technique for speculation in the previous two decades (Wall, 2008). A few of the regular techniques utilized by medical caretakers ten years back are seen as not material any longer extra time because of various measurable and verifiable investigates. Whenever given sufficient writing and wellspring of legitimate explores, medical attendants can begin incorporating these examinations into the training (Chang, et al., 2011). The principle key point in fuse of proof into training is for the medical attendants to be capable in social affair and examining factual information from explores. As a medical attendant the combination of proof based nursing rehearses is significant particularly in
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Lady Macbeth - From Head Conspirator to Wimp :: essays research papers fc
Woman Macbeth From Head Conspirator to Wimp      The story of Macbeth by Shakespeare is one of his most read and most adored plays. It was not impossible that out of the entirety of his plays that Macbeth would be one of only a handful hardly any effective plays that would be transformed into a drama. Verdi composed the show with librettists Francesco Maria Piave and Andrea Maffei. The show was composed around 1846 and debuted on March 14, 1847 at the Teatro dell Pergola in Florence, Italy.      A not many years after the fact the Verdi changed the drama including an expressive dance into it and taking out certain things and was performed at the Teatre Lyrique in Paris on April 21, 1865. This show in contrast with the play starts with the third scene of the play. Not at all like some of Verdi and different composer’s different dramas the discourse of Macbeth intently follows Shakespeare’s exchange all through the whole show. It has been said that the words all through the show are metal regula rly than not an exacting interpretation of Shakespeare’s work.      All of this data is fine and gives us a general comprehension of who composed the show and when, yet what I need to concentrate on in this paper is the Prima Donna of the drama by Verdi: Lady Macbeth. Despite the fact that she is a necessary part to both the play additionally and since the drama is so firmly identified with the play, I will concentrate on the show by Verdi. Through a character investigation, proof on how Verdi saw his Lady Macbeth, and a conversation of her improvement through her arias, I will examine how Lady Macbeth started as a lady parched to become Queen and finishes as a lady that was willing to and took her own life.      One of the lines of the play the Lady Macbeth said was exceptionally intriguing that gives you the character of Lady Macbeth in one proclamation and Verdi’s drama shows this. She says â€Å"†¦look like the guiltless blossom, But be the snake under’t. (I. v. 67-68)†This is the proposal proclamation of Lady Macbeth’s life as far as possible. Woman Macbeth is Macbeth’s spouse, a profoundly goal-oriented lady who desires for force and position. At an opportune time she is the more grounded and increasingly merciless of the two, as she encourages her significant other to kill the King, Duncan, and seize the tossed. Woman Macbeth misuses her sexual hold over Macbeth as a way to convince him to submit murder after homicide.
Saturday, August 8, 2020
IIPP Fellowship Program COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
IIPP Fellowship Program COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog The Institute for International Public Policy (IIPP) Fellowship Program is a program of the United Negro College Fund Special Programs Corporation that is now entering its 15th year. The Institute seeks to enhance U.S. national security and global competitiveness by promoting excellence, international service, and awareness among a representative cross-section of the American citizenry. The IIPP also seeks to broaden access to international education and training opportunities for underrepresented minority college students. The IIPP Fellowship Program provides students from underrepresented minority groups with education and training experiences critical to entry and advancement in international affairs careers. IIPP is a comprehensive program of summer policy institutes, study abroad, intensive language training, internships, graduate study, and student services that include mentoring and career development. Additionally, IIPP provides students with the education and training necessary to successfully enter, advance, and provide leadership in international affairs careers. Eligibility requirements from undergraduate sophomores include the following: Are enrolled full-time at an accredited fourâ€"year baccalaureate-granting institution Are U.S. Citizens or legal residents (documentary support required) Have a minimum 3.2 grade point average (on a 4.0 scale) Possess excellent critical analysis and leadership skills Have a strong demonstrated interest in international affairs, public policy and language training Are an underrepresented minority (African American, Hispanic, Asian American, American Indian, Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander) Plan to seek admission to a two-year master’s degree program in international affairs SIPA is proud to partner with IIPP in providing fellowship funding to admitted students and we welcome you to visit the IIPP web site for more information.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
What Was the Crittenden Compromise
The Crittenden Compromise was an attempt to prevent the outbreak of the Civil War during the period when slave states were beginning to secede from the Union following the election of Abraham Lincoln. The attempt to broker a peaceful solution, which was led by a respected Kentucky politician in late 1860 and early 1861, would have required significant changes to the U.S. Constitution. Had the effort succeeded, the Crittenden Compromise would have been yet another in a series of compromises which preserved slavery in the United States in order to keep the Union together. The proposed compromise had proponents who may have been sincere in their efforts to preserve the Union through peaceful means. Yet it was mainly supported by southern politicians who saw it as a way to make slavery permanent. And for the legislation to pass through Congress, members of the Republican Party would have been required to surrender on matters of basic principles. The legislation drafted by Senator John J. Crittenden was complicated. And, it was also audacious, as it would have added six Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Despite those obvious obstacles, Congressional votes on the compromise were fairly close. Yet it was doomed when the president-elect, Abraham Lincoln, signaled his opposition to it. The failure of the Crittenden Compromise angered political leaders of the South. And deeply felt resentment contributed to the increasing intensity of feeling that led to the secession of more slave states and the eventual outbreak of war. The Situation in Late 1860 The issue of slavery had been dividing Americans since the founding of the nation when the passage of the Constitution required compromises recognizing the legal enslavement of human beings. In the decade preceding the Civil War, slavery became the central political issue in America. The Compromise of 1850 had been intended to satisfy concerns over slavery in new territories. Yet it also brought forward a new Fugitive Slave Act, which infuriated citizens in the North, who felt compelled to not only accept but essentially participate in slavery. The novel Uncle Toms Cabin brought the issue of slavery into American living rooms when it appeared in 1852. Families would gather and read the book aloud, and its characters, all of them dealing with slavery and its moral implications, made the issue seem highly personal. Other events of the 1850s, including the Dred Scott Decision, the Kansas-Nebraska Act, the Lincoln-Douglas Debates, and John Browns raid on a federal arsenal, made slavery an inescapable issue. And the formation of the new Republican Party, which had opposition to the spread of slavery into new states and territories as a central principle, made slavery a central issue in electoral politics. When Abraham Lincoln won the election of 1860, slave states in the South refused to accept the results of the election and began to threaten to leave the Union. In December, the state of South Carolina, which had long been a hotbed of pro-slavery sentiment, held a convention and declared it was seceding. And it looked like the Union would already be split before the new presidents inauguration on March 4, 1861. Role of John J. Crittenden As the threats of slave states to leave the Union began to sound quite serious following Lincolns election, northerners reacted with surprise and increasing concern. In the South, motivated activists, dubbed Fire Eaters, stoked outrage and encouraged secession. An elderly senator from Kentucky, John J. Crittenden, stepped up to try to broker some solution. Crittenden, who was born in Kentucky in 1787, had been well educated and became a prominent lawyer. In 1860 he had been active in politics for 50 years and had represented Kentucky as both a member of the House of Representatives and a U.S. Senator. As a colleague of the late Henry Clay, a Kentuckian who had become known as the Great Compromiser, Crittenden felt a genuine desire to try to hold the Union together. Crittenden was widely respected on Capitol Hill and in political circles, but he was not a national figure of the stature of Clay, or his comrades in what had been known as the Great Triumvirate, Daniel Webster and John C. Calhoun. On December 18, 1860, Crittenden introduced his legislation in the Senate. His bill began by noting serious and alarming dissensions have arisen between the Northern and Southern States, concerning the rights and security of the rights of the slaveholding States... The bulk of his bill contained six articles, each of which Crittenden hoped to pass through both houses of Congress with a two-thirds vote so that they might become six new amendments to the U.S. Constitution. A central component of Crittendens legislation was that it would have used the same geographic line used in the Missouri Compromise, 36 degrees and 30 minutes of latitude. States and territories north of that line could not allow slavery, and states to the south of the line would have legal slavery. And the various articles also sharply curtailed the power of Congress to regulate slavery, or even abolish it at some future date. Some of the legislation proposed by Crittenden would also toughen fugitive slave laws. Reading the text of Crittendens six articles, its hard to see what the North would achieve by accepting the proposals beyond avoiding a potential war. For the South, the Crittenden Compromise would have made slavery permanent. Defeat In Congress When it appeared obvious that Crittenden couldnt get his legislation through Congress, he proposed an alternative plan: the proposals would be submitted to the voting public as a referendum. The Republican president-elect, Abraham Lincoln, who was still in Springfield, Illinois, had indicated that he did not approve of Crittendens plan. When legislation to submit the referendum was introduced in Congress on January 1861, Republican legislators used delaying tactics to ensure that the matter got bogged down. A New Hampshire senator, Daniel Clark, made a motion that Crittendens legislation be tabled and another resolution substituted for it. That resolution stated that no changes to the Constitution were required to preserve the Union, that the Constitution as it was would suffice. In an increasingly contentious atmosphere on Capitol Hill, the southern legislators boycotted the votes on that measure. The Crittenden Compromise thus came to an end in Congress, though some supporters still tried to rally behind it. Crittendens plan, especially given its complicated nature, may have always been doomed. But the leadership of Lincoln, who was not yet president but was firmly in control of the Republican Party, was likely the main factor in ensuring that Crittendens effort failed. Efforts to Revive the Crittenden Compromise Oddly enough, a month after Crittendens effort came to an end on Capitol Hill, there were still efforts to revive it. The New York Herald, the influential newspaper published by the eccentric James Gordon Bennett, published an editorial urging a revival of the Crittenden Compromise. The editorial urged the unlikely prospect that president-elect Lincoln, in his inaugural address, should embrace the Crittenden Compromise. Before Lincoln took office, another attempt to forestall the outbreak of war occurred in Washington. A peace conference was arranged by politicians including former president John Tyler. That plan came to nothing. When Lincoln took office his inaugural address made mention of the ongoing secession crisis, of course, but he did not offer any grand compromises to the South. And, of course, when Fort Sumter was shelled in April 1861 the nation was on its way to war. The Crittenden Compromise was never entirely forgotten, however. Newspapers still tended to mention it for about a year after the outbreak of the war, as if it was somehow the last chance to quickly end the conflict which was becoming more violent with each passing month. Legacy of the Crittenden Compromise Senator John J. Crittenden died on July 26, 1863, in the middle of the Civil War. He never lived to see the Union restored, and his plan, of course, was never enacted. When General George McClellan ran for president in 1864, on a platform of essentially ending the war, there was the occasional talk of proposing a peace plan that would resemble the Crittenden Compromise. But Lincoln was reelection and Crittenden and his legislation faded into history. Crittenden had remained loyal to the Union and played a major part in keeping Kentucky, one of the crucial border states, in the Union. And though he was a frequent critic of the Lincoln administration, he was widely respected on Capitol Hill. An obituary of Crittenden appeared on the front page of the New York Times on July 28, 1863. After detailing his long career, it ended with an eloquent passage nothing his role in trying to keep the nation out of the Civil War: These propositions he advocated with all the art of oratory of which he was master; but his arguments failed to influence the opinions of a majority of members, and the resolutions were defeated. Throughout the trials and unhappiness that have since visited the nation, Mr. Crittenden has remained loyal to the Union and consistent to his views, eliciting from all men, even from those who differed most widely from him in opinion, the respect which is never withheld from those against whom the breath of slander has never been whispered. In the years following the war, Crittenden was remembered as a man who tried to be a peacemaker. An acorn, brought from his native Kentucky, was planted at the National Botanic Garden in Washington as a tribute to Crittenden. The acorn sprouted and the tree flourished. A 1928 article on the Crittenden Peace Oak appeared in the New York Times and described how the tree had grown into a large and beloved tribute to the man who tried to prevent the Civil War. Sources Crittenden Compromise. American Eras: Primary Sources, edited by Rebecca Parks, vol. 2: Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860-1877, Gale, 2013, pp. 248-252.Crittenden, John Jordan. Gale Encyclopedia of American Law, edited by Donna Batten, 3rd ed., vol. 3, Gale, 2010, pp. 313-316.The Crittenden Peace Oak, New York Times, 13 May 1928, p. 80.Obituary. Hon. John J. Crittenden, of Kentucky. New York Times, 28 July 1863, p. 1.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
One Minute Manager Essay - 1137 Words
The One Minute Manager One Minute Manager is a short story written by Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson. The story is about a young man who is in search of an effective manager because not only did he want to work for one but he is also wanted to become one. His search for this ideal manager took him to many places and made him interact with a lot of different individuals. He wasn’t pleased with what he encountered and he began to notice that most of the people he interviewed would fall into two categories: those who were interested in results and those were interested in people meaning their employees. He continued his search until he began to hear amazing stories about a manager that lived nearby. The young man met with this†¦show more content†¦A one minute manager manages themselves and the people they work with so that both the organization and people can benefit from their presence. These types of managers set precise and clear goals, let their employees kn ow when they are doing good, and also inform the employee on what they did wrong as soon as it occurs. All of this is done in a short period of time but it creates long term effects. Individuals who are one minute managers have time to think and plan. They also can maintain a healthy lifestyle and do not have to go through the emotional and physical stress other managers have to subject themselves too. Departments with this type of manager have fewer costly personnel turnover, less personal illness, and less absenteeism which is great for the organization. These three tactics are One-Minute goals, One- Minute praising, and One-Minute Reprimands. Passing it on to others is also key to help other understand and improve the business world that lacks effective managers. One Minute goal setting is the first step and foundation of One Minute management. During this step the manager must clear what the employee’s responsibilities are and what they are held accountable for. An employee’s goal should be expressed in no more than 250 words. The manager and employee should each keep a copy so they can periodically check the progress. One minute goals settings should onlyShow MoreRelatedOne Minute Manager1568 Words  | 7 PagesOne Minute Goal Setting The first secret is One Minute Goals. This involves a meeting of the manager and the employee where goals are agreed on, written down in a brief statement, and occasionally reviewed to ensure that productivity is occurring. This whole process takes a minute, which truly means it is a quick meeting, however it is not limited to just sixty seconds. The purpose of one minute goal setting is to confirm that responsibilities of each working is understood, understanding thatRead MoreThe One Minute Manager Report1270 Words  | 6 PagesThe One Minute Manager Report The Main Points: After reading the one minute manager I found one clear point: Time is valuable and should not be wasted especially if the information is not communicated well. The Minute Manager used three basic strategies to accomplish this: One minute goals, one minute praising, and one minute reprimands. Section One Description: The Story Begins with a journalist who is looking for the best style of management. After searching several places he finds that most managersRead MoreThe New One Minute Manager Essay1994 Words  | 8 PagesThe New One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson is the new edition business classic on managing your work and life. The book explores the same underlying principles as its original, however, updated in response to the rapidly changing world of business. Today’s organizations are required to respond faster, but with fewer resources and the challenge of advancing technology. In contrast to the old top-down management style, effective leadership is currently defined by more of a side-by-sideRead MoreLeadership And The One Minute Manager1178 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"Leadership and The One Minute Manager†written exclusively by Ken Blanchard, Patricia Zigarmi and Drea Zigarmi strictly focuses on leadership in a firm and the a llowance of a minute in a day in recognition for the hard work done by workers. This book discusses the different levels that a leader must be willing to go to in order to maintain a promising relationship amongst all employees. The emphasis on â€Å"different strokes for different folks†is vividly present throughout the book as Blanchard andRead MoreThe One Minute Manager Meets The Monkey1352 Words  | 6 PagesThe One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey In this book Ken Blanchard uses his writing abilities to present some helpful insights into the world of organizational management. This book is perfect for someone who feels overwhelmed with the problems created by other people, the book can change their life. The major lesson taught by the book is, â€Å"how to save time to do what you want need to do.†By using the 4 rules of monkey management laid out in this book a manager can free themselves from doing everyoneRead MoreThe One Minute Manager, By Blanchard Johnson1240 Words  | 5 PagesThe One Minute Manager, by Blanchard Johnson, explains how managers can get exceptional results from their employees while spending little time actively managing them. Three key techniques are introduced and used to teach leaders how to manage effectively with less stress and in less time. The manager learns how to develop one-minute goals, how to communicate one-minute praisings, and how to issue one-minute reprimands. In using the se techniques, leaders will learn how to increase organizationalRead MoreSelf Leadership And The One Minute Manager812 Words  | 4 Pages Report on Self Leadership and the One Minute Manager Self Leadership and the One Minute Manager, written by authors Ken Blanchard, Susan Fowler, and Laurence Hawkins is a well written self-help book that enabled me to see many different aspects of leadership. Initially, I was inspired by the book’s title as it mirrored my personal interest of becoming a successful leader. As I began reading, I discovered that a good leader begins by becoming a self-leader. Take responsibility for your leadershipRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The One Minute Manager 1269 Words  | 6 PagesKenneth Blanchard is an American author and a management expert. His book The One Minute Manager, co-authored with Spencer Johnson, has sold over thirteen million copies and has been translated into over thirty languages. He has coauthored over thirty other best-selling books, including Raving Fans: A Revolutionary Approach to Customer Service (1993), Leadership and the One Minute Manager: Increasing Effectiveness through Situational Leadership (1985), Gung Ho! Turn On the People in Any OrganizationRead MoreThe One Minute Manager By Kenneth Blanchard And Spencer Johnson1502 Words  | 7 Pagesthe book The One Minute Manager, Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson introduce the readers an innovative idea of â€Å"one minute management†through an allegory of an anonymous man in search for an effective manager for his management â€Å"secrets†(Blanchard Johnson 26). Throughout the anonymous man’s journey, he learns many lessons, which Blanchard and Johnson have summarized into the following three essential â€Å"secrets†. First, Blanchard and Johnson advocate â€Å"One Minute Goal SettingRead MoreThe One Minute Manager By Ken Blanchard And Spencer Johnson1088 Words  | 5 Pagesleader does not simply get more followers, but creates more leaders. In the book â€Å"The One Minute Manager†by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson, this idea is upheld. The book is simple, short, and extremely effective. Its goal is for people to â€Å"enjoy more success with less stress,†and that is exactly what it does. It is also been awarded â€Å"The All-Time #1 Best Seller on Managing Your Work and Life.†â€Å"The One Minute Manager†is a book told in the third person. Within the book there are multiple people the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Poetry Free Essays
Between poetry, drama or fiction, I will choose poetry. Since I was young I find poetry as part of my environment. It transports me to a place full of imagination and allows me to vision the kind of world that the poet wanted me to see. We will write a custom essay sample on Poetry or any similar topic only for you Order Now Poetry possesses something that is unique from fiction and drama. The lyrical aspect of poems makes me understand more about the message of the poet. My favorite poet is Robert Frost who wrote A Road Not Taken. From this poem, I was able to figure out the scene and what he wanted to express in his poem. Being unique on one’s path and the decisions that we make in life gives us a sense of identity. Frost makes poems that really stand outs both in its contents and meanings. Just like the quality of the poem that is easier to understand rather than fiction and drama. There are short poems but depicts longer meaning. On the other hand there are longer stories of fiction and dramas that are really hard to grasp or have no sense at all. Poetry is indeed a magnificent type of literature that catches the liking of both young and old. How to cite Poetry, Papers Poetry Free Essays Visualize Poetry Through the ages of poetry, many poets have been making images with the expressions that they use to become leaders in creating the art of language. Several authors of the poems that we study daily use personification to make animals and objects do things that people do everyday to give the poem a twist. Poets also use imagery to give their readers a good portrait of what they are trying to describe. We will write a custom essay sample on Poetry or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"Southbound on the Freeway†by May Swenson and â€Å"Once by the Ocean†by Robert Frost include these two terms. These poems, â€Å"Southbound on the Freeway†and â€Å"Once by the Ocean†are similar to each other in certain poetic descriptions, but they also have some that are unlike. One way these two poems are similar to each other is where the author uses many choices of poetic terms to get his audience’s attention. First, personification is found abundantly throughout each poem. For example, Swenson’s poem uses the personification like â€Å"Their feet are round and roll†(7) and â€Å"They have four eyes. The two in the back are red†(11, 12). As well in the Frost’s poem includes personification such as â€Å"The clouds were low and hairy in the skies†(5) and â€Å"Like locks blown forward in the gleam of eyes†(6). Those descriptions are very interesting and grab the reader’s attention. In addition to personification in these poems, there is imagery in â€Å"Southbound on the Freeway†and â€Å"Once by the Pacific†also. Swenson uses imagery such as â€Å"They have four eyes. The two in the back are red†(11, 12) and â€Å"Sometimes you can see a five-eyed one with a red eye turning on the top of his head†(13). Frost also uses imagery like â€Å"Great waves looked over others coming in†(2). As you see these poems are both similar by both using figurative language. Next, a second similarity in these poems is how they chose to write these with patterns. First, alliteration is a key term they used in writing these poems. In â€Å"Southbound on the Freeway†, Swenson use alliteration such as â€Å"Those soft shapes, shadowy inside the hard bodies†(23). In â€Å"Once by the Pacific†, Frost uses it in â€Å"The shore was lucky being backed by cliff, the cliff in being backed by continent†(8, 9). Secondly, assonance is another pattern similarity between these great poems. In â€Å"Southbound on the Freeway†, Swenson uses assonance in the following line â€Å"Sometimes you can see a five-eyed one, with a red eye turning†(13). In â€Å"Once by the Pacific†, Frost uses assonance in the following â€Å"Great waves over others coming in†(2). As you see in both of these poems, the epic poets used a great amount of sound patterns. While these poems both have many similarities, they also have a couple of differences hidden beneath them. First, the rhyme scheme is unlike each other. In Swenson’s poem, there is not any rhyme scheme included, but in Frost’s poem, the rhyme scheme is very noticeable and catchy. These are the first three rhymes. â€Å"The shattered water made a misty din. Great waves looked over others coming in, and thought of doing something to the shore That water never did to land before. The clouds were low and hairy in the skies, Like locks blown forward in the gleam of eyes†(1-6). The second difference is how the speaker’s tone is different. In â€Å"Southbound on the Freeway†, the author’s tone is slow and somewhat careless. In â€Å"Once by the Pacific†, Swenson’s tone is intense and fierce that keeps that readers attention. This shows how Swenson’s poem keeps the author’s attention longer. In these ways, â€Å"Southbound on the Freeway†and â€Å"Once by the Ocean†are very diverse. In conclusion, these poems, â€Å"Southbound on the Freeway†and â€Å"Once by the Ocean†are similar to each other in certain poetic descriptions, but they still have some terms that are unlike. After studying these two poems, it is far easier to find the poetic terms. In the future, readers of these poems should be ready for finding multiple poetic terms and differences of â€Å"Southbound on the Freeway†and â€Å"Once by the Ocean†. How to cite Poetry, Papers Poetry Free Essays Alone In a dark room, -Every entity has left me here. -The door Is barred by a broom, Belonging to the witch who sealed my faith. -Curled into a ball -Knees to my chest, back against the wall. We will write a custom essay sample on Poetry or any similar topic only for you Order Now -This is my only protection. -Although the only breath I hear is my own, -I’m reminded I’m not yet alone. Lingering above me Is the everlasting pressure, -That makes my body wrack with sobs. -Cut, It whispers, The foul word drips with a venom even snakes envy. It swirls around me, -Taking in the sight of the cowardly abomination that is me. This may not be a pleasurable presence, -But at least I’m not abandoned. -Detached from all beings, this empty feeling must be my sole purpose. 2. Time bomb – 2014 -You’re Like a time bomb -Ticking endlessly -She’s walling for you to explode Stabbing her with the millions of scattered pieces you’ll have broken into -It’s only a matter of time -As she watches you fading -You’re falling apart before her eyes -and she is trying desperately to do -what all the kings horses and all the kings men couldn’t -But she can’t change the past -She can’t undo what’s already been done -She can’t take back their venomous words Or somehow make you forget all the pain you endured -Because even If she drives them away -you are soul your own worst enemy And the monsters outside -The paint of your resilience is chipping away -And you’re clutching to your blade more desperately than before -Her pleas and promises are falling on deaf ears -And sometimes she wonders if all this sorrow is worth -the happiness she feels -When she’s holding your hand -But then she remembers the girl -Who, at only fifteen -Was going to take her life -And she was clutching Just as desperately to that knife -but you saved her -And you’ve been saving her ever since She saw a light in your eyes, there was nothing left to fear -And now helplessly -She watches it disappear -She wants to be the savior, that you are to her -But no matter how hopeful she seems -She’s optimistic in vain -You say she can’t make you happy, she can’t end the pain -She speaks wistfully of future plans -She wishes on a star -Words turn into razors -You say you don’t plan on making it that far -But she still loves you Just the way you are -And like a time bomb would -You’ll explode -destroying everything in your path -And when you do -She’ll have nothing left -Suicide is such a Shiite thing to expect 3. Thunderstorm – 2014 -You taught me how to count beautifully -The seconds between -Thunder and lightning -As it shook the foundation of o ur world -You taught me -Not to be afraid -But baby there is a thunderstorm -Raging on outside -But I can only count -The days since you -All because -Of me 4. How to destroy an infection – 2014 I need someone To help me get rid of these feelings The feeling that I’m disgusting But I’ve come to realize that No one can get rid of them No one They’re a part of me And the only way to destroy the infection Is to attack at the root 5. Sixty percent deadly – 2014 Humans are approximately Sixty percent water Because, you see We are all oceans Seas Lakes Rivers Puddles Droplets Tears We slip our fingertips in To test the waters To see if these people will love us Love you Foolishly For you have forgotten As you always do when you are Blinded confused as sweet liquid Fills your lungs You’re drowning Drowning in someone else But you are not the victim You are the villain Ignorant Have you forgotten, Sabina? You are a plague A reckless force of evil You create hurricanes with Your words Typhoons with Your actions Yet still you dip your fingertips in Slowly being swallowed In bittersweet and forgetful bliss As you kill everyone around you How many lives must you take To remember 6. Crimson – 2013 The dark crimson streaks They’re all too familiar Deep down across the canvas of my wrist You promised†¦ I hear his echo The solemn whisper still clear Above the buzzing in my ear I lay in bed, open my eyes Shift my head I’m looking at destruction, hatred Written across my wrists They scream at me I’m staring at words Strong enough to break bones I’m peering in through the cracks Is someone looking back? She wants to escape The girl inside She can’t find her way out I need a small crevice, she hisses, Just one, pretty please? Sweet venom laces her words I wonder aloud, hearing no reply Has she gone already? Lied and escaped without a passing goodbye? Or maybe I cut too deep And broke her too But Just then, I hear A faint laugh I’m still deep down inside of you Cut deeper, you’ll reach me I promise Those two words are so familiar But my cuts have almost healed I plead But Sabina, darling, I need to be freed I can’t stand this anymore Just end the pain I know what to do I must be insane And with that We’re back to where we started And how I’ve missed it It’s been three days since I last saw 7. Click © – 2014 They say to wear your heart on your sleeve But That seems a bit gruesome Doesn’t it? How does one wear a heart? Do you take a needle and thread Slowly and painfully piercing The edges of your heart Threading it to The fabric on your wrist Splattering the innocent,even friends With blood as you wave It’s almost laughable Do you attach it to The nerve endings Willing them to protrude And wrap around the organ we have removed As a sort of method to express ourselves What a comical notion I’m sorry It Just seems rather silly to me I’d love to show my feelings But I’d prefer to keep my organs inside 8. Learning to Breathe Water – 2014 You know the things you learn That you would’ve never considered prior to learning them but after learning them you feel like you’ve known you’re whole life and you try but you can’t remember who you were before that like Who was I before I knew x Like Sabina, your mouth is not a good place for spare change Sabina, your mouth should not speak of change that is a Mans decision Sabina, put on your settable Sabina, wearing a short skirt is Just as dangerous as not wearing one Sabina, you have to go home your shorts are much too short I hear Sabina, the boys have to focus to learn, your body is too distracting and it is your alt that they sexuality you Sabina, the electrical socket is not a good place for dinner knives Sabina, neither is your wrist Okay Sabina, neither are your thighs I realize that learning is Just Life crushing and molding your brain You lose independence You wonder what you can do I try desperately To breathe water Even though I’ve learned So long ago that Sabina , you can’t breathe water Unless you don’t want to breathe Anymore 9. Wear girls – 2014 We are the girls who haven’t run the mile in four years because we Layer our deep v necks with excuses and bat our eyelashes at the male gym teachers We are taught to survive by using our bodies as Swiss Army knives Involuntarily It’s the game we’ve been playing since we were children Deceive, but be polite Girls, we have to be nice Used to the masculine brutality Male kindness is so alien to us we mistake it for seduction every time Age 7, my 15 year old cousin touches me, makes me touch him It took me years to realize that force was not love, when he called me beautiful he did not look beneath my abused skin Age 12, Dad says wearing short skirts in the city is like driving without a settable Age 13, a boy I’ve been dating for a week asks me to have sex with him, he says it’s he only way I can show my love Age 15, my boyfriend, hits me If only it was unexpected I blame myself Age 16, my dad calls me sexy, on a regular basis, I take it as a compliment not knowing any better but the queasy feeling in my stomach tells me Something is wrong With the Waved tardiest, free drinks, smacked asses, my yoga pants are not a welcome mat, thank you Playing this game to realize This is not female privilege this is survival of the prettiest We are easily startled Who wouldn’t be I am barked at from the streets We are the girls petrified of the business school boys who learn to somehow manifest success by refusing to take no for an answer Aggression is key Once my friend and I got cat called She said screw you I said thank you, head down Like I was trained to 10. I once loved a psychopath- 2014 I once loved a psychopath Completely aware He could never be capable of a love that wasn’t Clinging to another person and wrapping around their Throats and down their chests and to their hearts To squeeze out every once of affection from you But I didn’t care Because he told me the world wasn’t nearly as beautiful as I He told me That the reason why our blood is red Is the same reason why some stars are red Their time is Almost up Our time is It has always been And he told me that’s okay That this only means it wont be too long before We become fireworks And we’d be a part of something Tremendously bigger Together And I once loved a psychopath Who kept me alive Longer than the medication and therapy ever could I became slowly entangled in his words His false compliments tied me down and I knew Exactly what was happening His words ran up my body, creeping Like vines Thorns cutting me as they slithered Up my torso Wrapping around my throat Wrapping his hands around my throat And squeezing So hard, I began to see stars And I said to myself; This is it. My time is up. I am a firework, and I am becoming a part of something bigger. 11. My kind of alone – 2014 People think of alone as A dark hole Where no sound and no light and no life can Penetrate But I don’t think so because I have been down that hole many times before I have lived it and still I feel More at hom e there than Or a group full of friends But who knows Maybe our kind of alone is the sadder kind Because it’s the kind that makes you Not fear death anymore 12. Letting go- 2014 Letting go of The one you thought you loved more than Anything More than Everything Is not like dropping someone off The edge of a cliff However badly you might wish it was It’s not And no matter how long you Put it off This inevitable thing It will never be easier Just get it over with Oh but don’t be fooled Getting it over with does not imply An instantaneous relief They aren’t some bandit Holding together two infected halves Of a whole twisted heart Oh no Letting go Of someone you love Is a slow release A long painful exhale In a room starved for oxygen A Jet of helium Slowly streaming from that pinprick In the plastic skin of a young child’s party balloon Who didn’t get their birthday wish How to cite Poetry, Papers Poetry Free Essays I picked this poem thinking this seems like a funny title and it would be a confusing poem that had a simple title but a deep meaning. This poem had a lot of alliteration the roots ere and re were repeated very often,and the only roots used in the poem. The only exception to this order was the the first line in verse five where minotaur was used. We will write a custom essay sample on Poetry or any similar topic only for you Order Now The minotaur was placed there conclude to break the steady rhyme. This is cleverly placed to bring the attention of the reader o the conclusion. Here is where/ You can get nowhere†This itself Starts the poem at a negative context and a feeling Of hopelessness. This in the poem represents life as being where you are your fate has decreed to be there is no point of struggling or trying to run away from it. All of life’s problems are symbolized as the corn mazes twist and turns. â€Å"Like any other/ You can’t peer over/ And then another. †The twisting turns in this poem like problems cannot e seen ahead of time you just run into them. When you are done dealing with one problem the next one appears. As we try to shape our destinies by ourselves we wake blindly not knowing what we do assuming we we are doing what’s best for us. â€Å"Your inner minotaur†is a psychological term which can mean your fear of the unknown or your destiny. In psychology it IS said that you walk on hands and knees blindly until you are able to confront your inner minotaur. Which coincidentally relates with the poem. But on you blunder†shows the severity of our method of pursuing our destiny. To summarize the poem I conclude that this poem shows the futility of life of how no matter how hard we try to run we have acknowledge in the end that we have accept we have go nowhere in life. Like the pace of the poem it goes at steady pace. I am able to connect many of the situations of this poem to my life it shows my problems and how they come unexpected. How to cite Poetry, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Bellboy Case free essay sample
This will give you also a more realistic view of the price elasticity. In addition, the structure of questionnaire (from general questions to more specific ones) narrowed down the choices in the questions 5 to 9 significantly and considering that communication staff was answering the questions, they most probably were giving very conservative estimates to avoid any future â€Å"attacks†of overexcited supplier. The comparison with a â€Å"candy bar†is not very appropriate for a business environment which could have discouraged serious professional people from use of a device.Results of Q. 2 reflected in Table 2 and 3 show that the questionnaire was not well designed to provide comprehensive information on specifics and benefits of the service as well as obtain detailed information about the negative opinion about the service even when companies were not familiar with it (no explanation on why exactly companies are not interested in the service), which shows an addition al great potential in the market (50% of companies which are not familiar with the service and are not interested in purchasing it, Table 2). The fact that 62% companies are familiar with this type of service and still are interested in acquiring it indicates significant unmet demand. Analysis. Only 50% of â€Å"maybe†responses are taken into account. Immediate acceptance by 25% respondents from the phone survey of the product which was not described in great detail and without detailed description of all benefits and advantages, is a good indication of significant demand in the market. Negative responses (Table 3, p. 24) weren’t analyzed properly to inquire about reasons for lack of interest (24% of responses are significant number and general comment should not have been accepted, respondents should have been asked â€Å"why†and clarify their statement). Such details could lead to hidden potential demand in the market which was not reflected in the survey. The results of the survey did not reflect clearly on the already existing need for the service in the market and non-existing need, which in case of a positive conclusion would increase potential demand. In Tables on â€Å"Projected Monthly Revenues†(p. p. 419-420) the average number of employees for companies with the size over 75 people is 100, however this is a rather conservative estimation and the number of potential users could be much higher. Conclusions. The survey was rather generic and more explorative and as such reflects general situation which already demonstrates significant demand. Moreover, the approach taken by research company underestimates actual true demand due to research design and its implementation. Part II. Argumentation Two Small Companies; the survey overstates the demand The Two Small Companies reacted negatively on the conducted survey since they believe there is no substantial unmet demand in the Dallas/Fort Worth area for a new product and they try to argue that the demand is overestimated in their survey for the following reasons; Collection of samples. Systematic random sampling from SWB’s own database could give more positive results about demand in the market as the database consists mostly of SWB clients who are more loyal to the company.The use of primary and sub-sample lists gave overstated figures since a too wide range of companies were included which normally would not be interested in the service however the generic description made them to believe they could be interested. The compilation of the prime list from people who managed communications at companies did not allow the survey to obtain information directly from people who will use SWB services and the surv ey basically gives a perception of the demand in the market by communication departments.Since the communication departments are professionally more interested in actively using communication services, they represent a biased sample. The quality of information obtained from subsample listing is questionable as there is no description of the procedure of selecting people who represent this list (in contrast to primary listing, which aimed to contact communication departments, respondents from the subprime list could have been people who have no knowledge on discussed topic (eg. the receptionist) ). Research design adopted and procedure. The objective of this research is stated incorrectly as the real objective is to demonstrate substantial unsatisfied need for the service. In other words, SWB should show that the demand is still not covered by SWB or its competition. However the current research includes the market share already owned by the competition of SWB and therefore shows a demand which is already covered. This nullifies the results of the entire survey!The collection of data was limited to telephone interviews only, which is a method used primarily in exploratory research and aimed at the collection of fast and rather general information. People don’t have a lot of time to spend on the phone (considering the business people who were contacted) and can provide very generic data which also can be wrong and misleading. In addition to that, buyers sometimes could give socially accepted answers. Also people who did agree on answering the questionnaire by phone have most probably a more positive attitude in eneral as opposed to those respondents who refused to talk and whose opinion would be important for more balanced results. This could influence the results in a more positive way. The research company of SWB conducted a very unstructured and unreliable survey with confusing results. First of all, they combined exploratory research with descriptive quantitative design without a clear distinction of one phase from another and as a result obtained information which is very general and misleading.Secondly, contacting communication people in companies only through short phone interviews put time pressure on them so that they would give largely positive responses just to finish the interview faster and be polite. In addition the survey obtained information on jobs in which people would be most interested in obtaining Bellboy service (Table 4 on p. 424), however this information was never used further in the research and this would most probably narrow down the final results on the demand due to a more focused and specific analysis of interested people. Thirdly, the percentages in Table 4 are summed up in excess of 100% and are not benchmarked with other results which gives no value to these percentages and the outcomes are misleading. The information on the types of jobs that might be interested in the service could be used as the primary basis for further more focused research through direct contacting the people from these jobs (Table 4) in order to avoid generalized overstated results. Further, as mentioned in the legal report, prices are not just and reasonable and must be under accepted common carrier standards; proposed services could not be offered at those prices.This means that not only researchers were using lower range of prices than currently accepted for this type of services in the interviews, which made demand numbers go up, they also were using fixed/set numbers to create future perception of the service as a cheaper one to motivate potential customers to move from SWB’s competitors to their services. And thi s goes directly against the objective of the entire survey! The psychology of respondents in choosing the cheaper price examples is logical and normal, however it leads to a much higher results of demand.To find the real price elasticity curve, SWB should have chosen three separate sampling sub-groups to assess the reaction to different prices. Questionnaire. Disclosure of the name of SWB and its new service in the questionnaire creates a positive bias at the respondent’s side: since the contact details have been taken from SWB’s listings the companies contacted, and in particular people from communication departments, were likely to respond in more positive and enthusiastic manner giving excessively positive responses.The mentioning of a â€Å"new service†in the questionnaire is misleading to the customers and since the communication department managers were the primary sampling unit and sensitive for new communication services, they would be more inclined to react positively towards the new services. The questionnaire does not contain the response â€Å"maybe†whereas all results are analysed based on this category. This leads to the conclusion that final results are not precise and misleading and the reliability of entire survey is questionable. Analysis.The research company of SWB cannot take into account the â€Å"maybe†responses and present them as potential interest as there is no justification for them in the questionnaire and no certainty that such results will represent potential interest. Projections of the future demand cannot be based on such answers due to their uncertainty and too many underlying assumptions. Based on the management summary, the percentage of respondents who are not interested is 77% and with some of â€Å"maybe†answers it comes up to over 80% (Table 1, p. 423). This is a clear indication that there is no sufficient or unmet demand for the service in the market.If prices are even higher than mentioned, and within the approved ranges, the demand will go down even more. This is further supported by Table 2 (p. 424) which states that 62% of companies that might be interested in the new service already know the product. This means that these companies might be using similar products already and hence might be (at least partially) covered by SWB’s competitors. In the Table â€Å"Potential usage by price†(p. 418): 1% of companies in the category â€Å"Over 75†number of employees is not reliable as it represents less than one company from the statistics sample (out of total number 29).
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Essay on The Person Whom I Admire Most Essay Example
Essay on The Person Whom I Admire Most Paper Whom I Admire Most Personal essay Virtually everyone has a person whom they admire. A majority of people seem to admire someone because of fame or fortune. I, on the other hand, do not place my admiration on material possessions or people who idolize them. My admiration is reserved for someone far more priceless than anything this world may offer. Therefore, my mother, is the person whom I admire most because she was supportive, she was tenacious, and she was a provider. First, I adore my mother because she was supportive. I participated in a lot of extracurricular activities as a kid, and my mother was always there to encourage me. For example, at age five I began to play soccer on Saturday mornings for an organized team and even though my mother’s only time away from work was Saturday mornings she came to every game. Also, during my high school years I wanted to go on a church trip to Mexico, however the trip was expensive and I was unable to collect enough money to go. Nevertheless, my mother paid the remaining balance by working extra shifts. Lastly, when I wanted to volunteer to join The United States Air Force three months prior to my high school graduation she drove me to the military enlistment processing station and watched proudly as I signed my contracts. In addition, my mother deserves my admiration because she was a provider. During my adolescent years, I began to understand how much she sacrificed to provide for me. I remember her having to sale items that were of significant personal value in order to pay our monthly bills. We will write a custom essay sample on Essay on The Person Whom I Admire Most specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Essay on The Person Whom I Admire Most specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Essay on The Person Whom I Admire Most specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Additionally, my mother worked two jobs to ensure I had the essentials needed to enjoy my high school years. Also, my mother made whatever sacrifice was necessary to ensure our survival. For example, during the summer before my junior year of high school my mother was laid off from work and we lost our rental house; nevertheless, she sent me to live with my aunt for a year as she was more concerned with me having a stable living environment than her on personal well being. Most importantly, I cherish my mother because she was tenacious. My mother could have been misunderstood as being hardheaded; however, she stood strong for what she believed in and was unyielding to outside influences. My mother taught me to never give up on my dreams and to endure through the hard times. Consequently, I have accomplished many wonderful things, but none are more gratifying than the fact that I take care of my mother whom suffers from dementia. Her spirit has not grown weak and she continues to stand strong. For example, when I go to visit her she is constantly telling me that she will beat that dreaded disease and go home one day. However, I know the truth is that dementia will slowly take more and more of her away from me, but this will prove my mother’s tenacity once again through me. Because my mother was supportive, tenacious, and a provider she is the person whom I admire most. We may face many challenges in life, but to see how my mother stood solid and defeated most of those challenges is an inspiration. I have endured many hardships throughout life, but I my mother taught me two priceless lessons. First, nothing in life worth having will be easy. Second, no matter the circumstances never give up on your dreams.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Monroe Doctrine - Definition and Background
Monroe Doctrine - Definition and Background The Monroe Doctrine was the declaration by President James Monroe, in December 1823, that the United States would not tolerate a European nation colonizing an independent nation in North or South America. The United States warned it would consider any such intervention in the Western Hemisphere to be a hostile act. Monroe’s statement, which was expressed in his annual address to Congress (the 19th century equivalent of the State of the Union Address) was prompted by a fear that Spain would try to take over its former colonies in South America, which had declared their independence. While the Monroe Doctrine was directed toward a specific and timely problem, its sweeping nature ensured it would have enduring consequences. Indeed, over the course of decades, it went from being a relatively obscure statement to becoming a cornerstone of American foreign policy. Though the statement would carry President Monroe’s name, the author of the Monroe Doctrine was actually John Quincy Adams, a future president who was serving as Monroe’s secretary of state. And it was Adams who forcefully pushed for the doctrine to be openly declared. The Reason For the Monroe Doctrine During the War of 1812, the United States had reaffirmed its independence. And at the war’s end, in 1815, there were only two independent nations in the Western Hemisphere, the United States, and Haiti, a former French colony. That situation had changed dramatically by the early 1820s. The Spanish colonies in Latin America began fighting for their independence, and Spain’s American empire essentially collapsed. Political leaders in the United States generally welcomed the independence of new nations in South America. But there was considerable skepticism that the new nations would remain independent and become democracies like the United States. John Quincy Adams, an experienced diplomat and the son of the second president, John Adams, was serving as President Monroe’s secretary of state. And Adams did not want to become too involved with the newly independent nations while he was negotiating the Adams-Onis Treaty to obtain Florida from Spain. A crisis developed in 1823 when France invaded Spain to prop up King Ferdinand VII, who had been forced to accept a liberal constitution. It was widely believed that France was also intending to assist Spain in retaking its colonies in South America. The British government was alarmed at the idea of France and Spain joining forces. And the British foreign office asked the American ambassador what his government intended to do to block any American overtures by France and Spain. John Quincy Adams and the Doctrine The American ambassador in London sent dispatches proposing that the United States government cooperate with Britain in issuing a statement declaring disapproval of Spain returning to Latin America. President Monroe, unsure of how to proceed, asked for the advice of two former presidents, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison, who were living in retirement on their Virginia estates. Both former presidents advised that forming an alliance with Britain on the issue would be a good idea. Secretary of State Adams disagreed. At a cabinet meeting on November 7, 1823, he argued that the United States government should issue a unilateral statement. Adams reportedly said, â€Å"It would be more candid, as well as more dignified, to avow our principles explicitly to Great Britain and France, than to come in as a cockboat in the wake of the British man-of-war.†Adams, who had spent years in Europe serving as a diplomat, was thinking in broader terms. He was not just concerned with Latin America but was also looking in the other direction, to the west coast of North America. The Russian government was claiming territory in the Pacific Northwest extending as far south as present-day Oregon. And by sending a forceful statement, Adams hoped to warn all nations that the United States would not stand for colonial powers encroaching on any part of North America. Reaction to Monroe's Message to Congress The Monroe Doctrine was expressed in several paragraphs deep within the message President Monroe delivered to Congress on December 2, 1823. And though buried within a long document heavy with details such as financial reports on various government departments, the statement on foreign policy was noticed. In December 1823, newspapers in America published the text of the entire message as well as articles focusing on the forceful statement about foreign affairs. The kernel of the doctrine - †we should consider any attempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety.†- was discussed in the press. An article published on December 9, 1823, in a Massachusetts newspaper, the Salem Gazette, mocked Monroe’s statement as putting â€Å"the peace and prosperity of the nation at hazard.†Other newspapers, however, applauded the apparent sophistication of the foreign policy statement. Another Massachusetts newspaper, the Haverhill Gazette, published a lengthy article on December 27, 1823, which analyzed the president’s message, praised it and brushed aside criticisms. The Legacy of the Monroe Doctrine After the initial reaction to Monroe’s message to Congress, the Monroe Doctrine was essentially forgotten for a number of years. No intervention in South America by Europeans powers ever happened. And, in reality, the threat of Britain’s Royal Navy probably did more to ensure that than Monroe’s foreign policy statement. However, decades later, in December 1845, President James K. Polk affirmed the Monroe Doctrine in his annual message to Congress. Polk evoked the doctrine as a component of Manifest Destiny and the desire of the United States to extend from coast to coast. In the latter half of the 19th century, and well into the 20th century, the Monroe Doctrine was also cited by American political leaders as an expression of American dominance in the Western Hemisphere. The strategy of John Quincy Adams of crafting a statement that would send a message to the entire world proved to be effective for many decades.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
What Happens to Kids When Parents Do Not Pay Attention to Them because Essay
What Happens to Kids When Parents Do Not Pay Attention to Them because They Are Busy Working - Essay Example Children are totally dependent on adults at the time of birth, and to a great extent till the time they are equipped with the tools to be able to fend for themselves. Besides the basic physical needs of a child like food, clothing, medical care, education and a safe environment in which to grow; other needs that are of great importance to a child’s well being, and those that can impact the child’s future, are emotional needs; that if neglected, can scar a child for life, and cause untold damage to the child as well as to the society in which s/he lives. The problems of neglect among today’s kids are increasing. Till the first part of the twentieth century, these problems were not so evident. The support of extended families and the role of the mother who was a homemaker, ensured that enough time was given to kids although families were larger then, than they are today. As more and more women began to work and set up nuclear families the problem of children's need s being neglected has arisen, and of late has assumed gargantuan proportions. Today parents’ neglect of their children stems not just from lack of time or resources, but often is caused by parents being more self centered and putting their own need for having a good time before the needs of their children. Sometimes it is also caused because parents themselves have been victims of neglect and /or victims of drug abuse. It is shocking that these problems should arise at a time when family planning methods are easily available and parents have the choice of planning their family. Raising a child is a tremendous responsibility and the best parents have sometimes been stumped by the demands and pressures that a child is capable of putting on them. There is no question of quality time. Child raising is a job without hours and one that can try the patience of a saint. Yet, according to many parents who have successfully raised families with all the attendant problems, it is a treme ndously satisfying and joyful experience. Those parents who can balance work and home life find that parenting is less stressful. One has to re-evaluate priorities and make some choices and hard decisions when one plans a family. A parent’s love for the child is the motivating factor that goads parents to make many adjustments in their lifestyle for their children. The bond that develops between loving, caring parents and their children makes children want to please their parents. The development of this bond of love between parents and their children is an important factor for the healthy physical, mental and emotional development of children, that can have long term consequences on the kind of human beings that children grow up to be. Babies need a lot of time because they are so helpless and need parents to fulfil every need. During the first few months after childbirth, the mother too is going through a lot of emotional stress and needs the support of her husband and othe r close family members. As the child begins to grow, s/he is learning at a fast pace and the need to feel loved, protected and secure is very great. At this point the toddler needs the reassurance of being loved and valued. As s/he conquers new milestones, the pride of parents in his/her achievement is the highlight of the toddler’s day and s/he strives to repeat the newly learned skill. In the growing years, children often have to be reprimanded for bad behavior or mistakes that are an inevitable part of growing up. At such times parents must ensure that the child’s mistake has been explained and understood. If a child does not understand why s/he is punished the same mistakes
Monday, February 3, 2020
Journal 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5
Journal 1 - Essay Example During the reconstruction, factors such as social, cultural, political and economic emerged as the root problems that made Haiti experience hard times in handling this process on its own (Ulysses 38). Cultural illiteracy, witchcraft, Haitian Vodou, political instability like the 1991 military coup that ousted Jean- Bertrand Aristide and the effect of imperialism are some of the issues Ulysses highlights in his article (Ulysses, 40). Former American President Bill Clinton stated that the issue of money to reconstruct Haiti was not the fundamental problem, but the Haitians themselves. The earthquake unearthed Haiti’s history that is darkened by colonialism, racism, segregation, witchcraft, cultural illiteracy and political instability. It made Haiti look like, â€Å"a backward and uncivilized black country hidden in the west†(Ulysses 41). In conclusion, Haiti’s problems and internal threats can be summarized into social, cultural, political, and economic factors, which have long been embedded in their history since their independence. The 2010 earthquake justified that these factors need to be adequately addressed in order to solve Haiti’s
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Benefits of Medical Waste Management Methods
Benefits of Medical Waste Management Methods ABSTRACT Medical waste management is a critical problem around Africa continent. The problem is observed in Tanzania in all levels of health facilities. Medical waste is one of the major health safety and environmental problem. This is a result of lack of awareness on among generators and handlers of medical waste. This calls for an urgent attention to understand the extent and magnitude of the problem and to develop strategies to properly manage medical waste generated. Various measures have been taken in Tanzania including construction of 13 pilot small scale incinerators at various parts of the country, yet the problem is still persisting. Unfortunately, the effectiveness of medical waste management methods is not clearly known and practiced in many health facilities. Therefore, this study was carried out to examine the effectiveness of medical waste management. Data were collected through interviews using structured, observation and abstraction of documentation. Solid medical wastes were collected in plastics bags and measure three times a day from each occupied bed. The collected waster was measured using a common household balance with a precision of a two decimal places .A total of 64 respondents were interviewed using questionnaire. The result indicated that average generation rate of medical waste was 0.01kg/person/day in dispensaries, 0.02kg/person/day in urban health centres to 0.5 kg/bed/day in Hospitals. Inadequate staff, insufficient and inefficiency of tools led to poor management of medical waste. Poor segregation and colour coding of storage instruments was observed at low level of healthcare centres, lack of medical waste treatment pit and substandard incinerators which produce obnoxious gases affecting the community. In view of the findings, medical management is not given sufficient priority. However, health workers are knowledgeable on the consequences of medical waste. Its recommended that strategies for management of medical waste be established t o include provision of facilities, infrastructes, staffing and funding to reduce environmental and medical problems associated. Keywords: medical waste, waste management, health facilities, storage instruments BACKGROUND Medical waste management (MWM) is a public health and environmental problem that attract attention in both developed and developing countries (Askarian et. al., 2004). Medical waste are generated in a wide variety of sources, starting from the hospital (a primary target), human and animal clinics, health centers, intermediate facilities, physician offices, research institute (animal and human health), and homes (especially diabetic homes) (USEPA, 1986). Medical wastes include several different waste streams, some of which require more care and disposal (Manyele, 2008).They contains different items making it a special type of mixed waste. Medical wastes include all infectious waste, hazardous (including low-level radioactive) wastes, and any other wastes that are generated from all types of health care institutions, including hospitals, clinics, doctor (including dental and veterinary) offices, and medical laboratories. Longe and Williams (2006) referred to medical waste as the municipal solid waste of peculiar characteristics which need to be sorted properly during handling. Medical waste may also contain soiled or blood soaked bandages, culture dishes and other glassware, discarded surgical gloves and surgical instruments, needles used to give shots or draw blood, cultures, stocks and swabs used to inoculate cultures. These are the most common trash/litter in medical waste and well known to the health-care staff. Waste from operati on theaters contain removed body organs like tonsils, appendices, limbs etc which renders the medical waste scary, and nuisance. Medical waste also contains lancets that are little blades which are used to prick finger to get a drop of blood. During immunization campaigns medical waste contains leftovers of empty boxes, cotton wool and bandages. Thus, if the waste is not segregated properly at the point of generation it will be a mixture of all these garbage plus kitchen waste, office waste and other wastes which do not arise as a result of patients being attended (Lloyds, 2003). Inadequate and inappropriate handling of medical wastes has serious public health consequences and impact on the environment. It has been medically proved that unprotected exposure to healthcare waste such as used syringes, needles and cotton can cause health hazards, and, indeed, is a source of transmission of HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) and other diseases. Proper management of medical waste is crucial to minimize health risks. Medical waste requires specialized treatment and management from its source to final disposal destination. Simply disposing of it into dustbins, drains, and canals or dumping it to the outskirts of human settlement poses a serious public health and environmental hazards. Thus, there is a need to initiate a concentrated effort to improve the medical waste management to reduce the negative impact of waste on environment, public health and safety at health care facilities (Griffin, 1989). The amount of medical waste generated differs according to the level of health facilities, bed capacity, occupancy rate, and socio-economic status of the society. According to Christen (1996), the average quantities estimated from a survey conducted in several health care facilities in Dar es Salaam hospital generated an average of 0.06kg/patient/day and 0.08kg/patient/day, respectively non hazardous and hazardous waste while for both health centers and dispensaries waste generated 0.01kg/patient/day. Mato and Kassenga (1997) estimated that waste generation rate in Tanzania was 0.84 kg/bed/day. In a survey conducted nationwide in Tanzania indicates that the increase in medical waste generated due to increase in population, poor management of MWM systems and expanded use of disposable (Manyele and Anicetus, 2006), Developing comprehensive waste management practices in health facilities in developing world is a challenging problem. For example, Leonard (2003) and Manyele, (2003) noted that in Africa the problem appears to be more critical as reports indicate poor medical waste management. It is a challenge because of little information on the number of bed, hospitals, health centers, dispensaries and other facilities and the type of waste generated. It should be noted that there is no single management method that can solve all medical waste problems; rather, each medical waste management problem must be assessed independently to develop a viable and sound solution. However, the responsibility for the effective disposal of the wastes generated by the various health facilities lies on the facility generating the waste. Medical waste management requires monitoring and control at all levels of production in order to minimize effects to the community (Van, 1988). Most of the non-infectious medical wastes are land filled, while infectious wastes from hospitals are incinerated. The degree of risks posed by medical wastes is not known. Proper handling, treatment, and disposal of these wastes are believed to result in minimal health and environmental risks. In Tanzania medical waste management (MWM) is poor and awareness on its related consequences is lacking among generators and handlers (Manyele, 2003, Manyele and Anicetus, 2006). However, in recent years Tanzania government has made efforts to manage medical wastes from its generation to final disposal or treatment by training health workers, increasing funds for procurement of tools and improvement of infrastructure (Manyele, 2004). Despite the efforts made by the government to minimize the dangers of medical waste, the problem is persisting in most areas. This study examined MWM practices in health facilities located in Sumbawanga Municipal Council and provides recommendations that can be adopted in other health facilities. The study assessed the type and quantity of waste generated and examined performance of MWM. It also determined effectiveness of MWM practices in collection, storage, transportation and disposal. In addition it examined the role of knowledge of health workers on management of medical waste. MATERIALS AND METHODS The study was conducted in Sumbawanga Municipal Council in South West Tanzania which is located between latitude 07ÂÂ °45ÂÂ ´ and 08ÂÂ °31ÂÂ ´ S and longitude 30ÂÂ °29ÂÂ ´ and 31ÂÂ °49ÂÂ ´E. The Municipality lies along Ufipa plateau with the average altitude of 1700m above mean sea level. Sumbawanga Municipality enjoys a dry sub humid climate for a greater part of the year. The maximum temperature is 27ÂÂ °C and the minimum is 16ÂÂ °C, during month of July. The rainfall ranges from 900-1000mm per annum (MD, 2008). Health facilities are owned by different institutions which include government, voluntary agencies and private. According to MMOH (2008) Sumbawanga Municipal Health services were provided through two hospitals (one owned by government and the other by voluntary agency), two urban health centre (one owned by government and other by voluntary agency) and 28 dispensaries (18 owned by Government, two by voluntary agency and eigh t owned by private entities). Ballot sampling technique was used to select 10 out of 32 health facilities (one hospital, one health centre and eight dispensaries) located in different parts of the Municipal for this study. Respondent were selected by using probability sampling based on Yamane formula (1967) given as: Where no = sample size z = confidence interval =2 correspond to 95% level of confidence p = population proportion N = Population size and, e = precision or error limit Given a total population of 517 health workers, the study used 50% proportion (p = 0.5) and error limit of 11%, the minimum acceptable sample size was 64 health workers. A systematic random sampling procedure was used to select respondents from a sampling frame based on the distribution of sample size. The sample size of respondents was 32, 10, and 22 out of 263, 78 and 176 from hospitals, health centres and dispensaries, respectively. Primary data were collected from the field survey by using structured questionnaire of 37 questions. On the knowledge on medical waste management two question were set up to test the knowledge of health worker and the answer were given score of which if response is between 5 10, 2 -4 and 1 is ranked highly, moderate and low knowledgeable, respectively. Other method used in data collected is participatory observations . Abstraction and summarization of documents were used for collection of secondary data on medical waste management especially on the capacity of staff on handling waste. Interviews were used to collect data on the efficiency of medical waste management, tools for collection, storage, transportation; and treatment, to determine effectiveness of medical waste management practices; and to examine knowledge of health workers towards sorting, collection, storage and treatment of medical waste. Observation method was used to assess tools available, their efficiency and effec tiveness for medical waste management and attitude and practice towards sorting, collection, storage, and treatment of medical waste. Information gathered was analysed using SPSS programme. The solid Medical Waste were collected from occupied beds three time in a day (0830, 1330, 1830), at each ward, right prior to their collection and disposal by attendant. A common household balance with a precision of two decimal places was used to weigh wastes. The medical waste produced from each bed was weighed as disposed of in plastic bags. The measurements were carried in a period of 30 days and varied depending on the number of the beds occupied, hence average were used in the analysis. Descriptive analysis was carried out for the data collected using SPSS vers.11.6 where frequencies were used to present the results. ANOVA was carried out to test significance of parameters on knowledge versus altitude and altitude of health workers on waste management practices. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Characteristics of Respondents Characteristics of the respondents were analyzed based on age, education and working experience. Data in table 1 shows that majority of the staff (42.2%) were aged between 31 40 years. These results imply that most of respondents were at the middle age. The results show that 42.2 % of respondents had primary school education, 35.9% had secondary school education. The holders of diploma and advanced diploma or above were 15.6% and 6.3%, respectively. The high proportion of respondents with primary school education could have an effect towards management of medical waste. It was further revealed that around 40% of the staff had an experience of over 10 years. Working experience could bring good performance in management of medical waste while low experience could results into poor performance. Type and volume of medical waste generated The type of medical waste generated differs according to the level of health facility, characteristics of people and level of income. In Sumbawanga Municipality the type of medical waste generated for hospital included; needles and prickers, syringes, plastic materials, bottle and ampoules, paper material, cotton wool, gauze, post delivery waste (placenta and the associate), specimen from laboratory, amputated organs/parts from theatre and garbage from admission ward. Those from urban health centre and dispensary included all wastes mentioned earlier excluding plastics, post delivery waste, amputated organs and garbage. The results in Table 2 show that the amount of waste generated from Regional hospital was recorded from admission ward, the result revealed that the amount of medical waste generated was 0.5kg/bed/day for non sharps and garbage, 0.015kg/ bed/ day of sharp containers and 1.8 kg/ bed/day of garbage. Medical waste from the health centre was 0.02kg/person/day excluding sharp and garbage, and 0.02kg/person /day of sharp container. For dispensaries the results revealed that the amount of waste generated was 0.01kg/person/day of healthcare waste excluding sharps and 0.01kg/person /day of sharp containers. These results differ with an average of that is generated in Botswana where in hospitals recorded amount generated were 0.75kg/bed/day excluding sharps, 0.05kg/bed/day of sharp containers and 3kg/bed /day of garbage from admission ward (NCSA, 1996). Type of facilities available for storage of solid medical waste During the study different sections of health facilities were assessed through observation complemented by interview of heath workers. The results in Table 3 reveal that medical waste storage facilities were determined by the characteristic of the waste produced. Health workers reported that common type of storage facilities were safety boxes, plastic material, and metal. These resulted into spillage of medical waste to the environment as they were easily blown by wind or directly accessed by insects and other vermins. The same results were reported in India by Patil and Shekdar (2001) that, authorities were failing to install appropriate systems for a variety of reasons such as non availability of appropriate technologies, inadequate resources and absence of professional training on waste management. The study established that 81.7% of the storage facilities were not in good state. This resulted into difficulties in the management of medical waste (Figure 1 and Table 3). Respondent from hospital observed the adequacy of facilities in terms of capacity to handle waste generated and conforming to required standards having handles, covers lid and presence of waste pits, while the status was contrary in heath centers and dispensaries. Performance of medical waste management tools The performance of the existing health care waste management facilities for storage and treatment were assessed through their capacity in terms of sizes, handling mechanism, cover (protect waste from spillage) and pit where waste are to be deposited. Considering the sizes of equipments the results vis. waste generated, the results in Table 3 indicates that medical waste storage facilities, in relation to storage size were considered adequate by 75.9%, 71.4% and 66.7% for hospital, dispensaries and health centre, respectively. Handling mechanism is also a factor which influences good performance of medical waste management equipment. Through observation of the storage facilities with handles were 65.5%, 22.2% and 28.6% in hospital, heath center and dispensaries, respectively. Lack of handle to medical waste storage facilities brought difficulties in transporting healthcare waste that could lead to contamination of handlers during lifting. Further, assessment of performance was made on availability of lid for medical waste storage tools where it was observed that (86.2%) of hospital tools had lid and (13.8 %) was running without lid. (11.1%) had lid for health centre and (88.9%) was operating without lid and 14.3% was noted to have lid for dispensaries while 85.7% had no lid. Lack of lid on medical waste storage tools is dangerous to health because it is easy to be accessed by insects which transmit diseases and also medical waste is unsightly because it contains waste which may cause repugnant. Poor performance of equipments could be due to inadequate funds for procurement of standard tools and availability of standard tools. Inefficiency of waste equipment created difficulties in management of medical waste that had higher probability of exposing infection to healthcare workers, patients and the environment. WHO (2005) suggested that for cost effectiveness and efficiency medical waste equipment it is advisable to pur chase item which qualify the National standards for management of medical waste or approved by World Health Organization such as safety boxes and other waste containers and protective equipment. Respondent from those health facilities which hadnt waste treatment pit the result shows that 84.2% dispose waste in pit latrine and 15.8% in a dug pit. Disposal of medical waste in pit latrine was a great mistake because are not meant for that purposes. Sometimes, medical waste such as post delivery waste emitted foul smell which led to further environmental pollution. WHO, (1999) also noticed that despite of its infectious medical waste was not being properly disposed off by the concerned agencies as it was often disposed on open dumps along with other waste. Effectiveness of practices in storage and treatment of medical waste Effectiveness of the waste management practices of the surveyed health facilities were assessed based on the number of trained workers available, time spent to collect, store and treatment/disposal of the waste and the cleanliness and attractiveness of the health facilities. The results indicated that for hospital trained staff versus patients was at the ratio of 1:34 while National guideline requires the ratio of 1:10. WHO ( 2008) revealed that inadequate human resources for healthcare tend to weaken healthcare delivery systems with suboptimal infrastructure, poor management capacity and under-equipped health facilities have brought about a situation where the likelihood of adverse events become high. The number of staffs who were engaged in management of medical waste was two staff for each section in hospitals, health centre and dispensaries. Medical waste management is a dangerous and tiresome job. The small number of staff are engaged in management of healthcare waste failed to manage properly. This situation in Sumbawanga Municipality is contrary to WHO (2002) recommendations, that health care waste management is first of all management issues that require the commitment of the entire staff within health care facilities. The study results show that respondent perception and understanding on time spent for management of medical waste vary from hospital to dispensaries. 81.8% of respondents from hospital indicates that time spent to manage MW is between six to eight hours in a day, as compared to health centers where 80% of respondent indicates that time spent is between three to five hours. Dispensaries all respondents indicate that time taken for management of MW is one to two hours (Table 4). Time spent was sufficient for hospital while insufficient for health centre and dispensaries. Time spent for hospital was high compared to other levels because had a special group of employee (casual laborers) purposely for medical waste and environmental management activities who are required to work a minimum of 8 hrs in a day according to job requirements. On contrary for health centre and dispensaries were permanent employee whose work was for both service deliver, then on medical waste management activitie s and environmental care. Clean and attractive health facilities determine the effectiveness and efficiency of medical waste management activities to all levels of health services. During the research, the result revealed that 59.4% responded that hospitals were very clean, 40.6% responded moderate, and 100% responded moderate for health centre while 59.1% responded moderate for dispensary and 40.9% responded poor sanitation (Table 5). This situation is contrary to National health care waste management policy guideline which requires proper management of medical waste for prevention of diseases, environmental protection and beautification (MOHSW, 2006). To triangulate perception of respondents who are health workers, cross tabulation was indicating that hours spent for management of medical waste and cleanliness (appearance) of health facilities has relationship. The correlation between working hours and the state of cleanliness is highly significant (p Knowledge of health workers towards management of medical waste As regard to knowledge on consequences of medical waste 95.5% of respondents from hospital had high knowledge on the consequences of medical waste, 4.5% had moderate knowledge, 90% of health centre study group were highly knowledgeable, 10% had moderate knowledge and 78.1% were highly knowledgeable for dispensary, 15.6% moderate knowledge and 6.3% had poor knowledge (Table 6). Importance of knowledgeable health workers is on waste in highly required in segregation and coding storage materials used for medical waste management. The level of education was highly associated with knowledge of health workers on medical waste as hazardous material that the correlation was statistically significant (p Medical Waste Segregation The need for proper segregation and the extent, to which segregation is required, is primarily dictated by the technology and this is one of important step in reducing the volume of hazardous waste. Most treatment technologies have some limitations in terms of processing capability. This limitation depends much on design restrictions, compatibility with certain components, legal prohibitions, and possible negative environmental impact, social and ethical reasons. Table 7 shows that percentage of quantity of medical waste recorded segregated at hospital, heath centers and dispensaries were 93.8, 70 and 27, respectively. While waste that was found mixed was 6.2%, 27.3% and 72.7% at hospital, heath centers and dispensaries. Segregation of hazardous/infections waste is the key to achieving sound medical waste management. Poor segregation of medical waste poses serious health risks to the personnel handling them, and this could lead to possibility of surface and ground water contamination. Mujahid et.al., (2005) and Mohamed et. al., (2006) observed a serious health problem in Dhaka because medical waste was disposed in Municipal without segregating them. Also, Manyele et al (2003) contented that lack of plan for management of medical waste, lack of recording the amount of medical waste generated, reduction of quantity and toxicity of waste at the source and segregation were the challenges facing Tanzania in management of medical waste. The high pe rformance of hospital compared to health centre and dispensaries was influenced by availability of tools, number of staff engaged, hours spent in management of medical waste and knowledge of health workers. Color coding Color coding system aim at ensuring an immediate separation and identification of the hazardous associated with the type of healthcare waste which also determines the treatment method to be employed. The results revealed that 90.6% of hospital medical waste equipment were colour coded or provided with label and 9.4% was not colour coded, 30% of health centre tools were colour coded and 70% were not colour coded while 100% of dispensary medical waste storage tools were not color coded or labeled (Table 8). Lack of coloration of medical waste tools to dispensary level was contrary to healthcare waste management policy guideline which requires coloration of medical waste storage facilities (MOHSW, 2006). Longe and Williams (2006) observed that in Nigeria, private owned hospitals has the most efficient colour coding system, where colored buckets were used: red for sharp and broken glass, green for syringes and needles and blue for all blood stained cottons, gauze and bandages. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusions Medical waste generated in healthcare facilities differs from type and ownership of facilities but there is no composition distinction between private and public hospitals. The performance of medical waste management tools were inefficient due to the reason that most of them were below National and World Health Organization standards. The effectiveness of medical waste management practices was highly affected by inadequate staff and time spent in management of medical waste which resulted into poor cleanliness of some health facilities. Knowledge of health workers on management of medical waste was high but was not highly applied due to inadequate and low standard of healthcare waste management tools. Generally Medical waste management activities in Sumbawanga Municipal Council were not given sufficient priority or concern because of unimproved system of medical waste management. Inadequate staff, insufficient and poor performance of supplies for storage of medical waste, poor infras tructure such as incinerator and treatment pit for treatment of medical waste, lack of segregation and coloration of tools is a major reason to draw this conclusion. However most of healthcare workers had knowledge on medical waste management with small gap which need to be improved. Recommendations Based on the findings and discussions, the following recommendations are made to the Regional Medical Officer, Municipal Medical Officer, Diocesan Health Coordinator and other Stakeholders to improve healthcare waste management whereby in order to achieve the goal, the Hospital Management Team , Council Health management team and other stakeholders should fulfill the following: Medical waste management infrastructure which includes incinerators and treatment pit should be made available to all health facilities. They should be well constructed to ensure efficiency and minimizes the immediate and long term public health risk and hazards associated with medical waste and which has the lowest impact on the environment. Build capacity by employing more qualified staff who will be responsible for service delivery, healthcare waste management and environmental management of health facilities.. For proper disposal of waste knowledge on the color codes for storage facilities should be provided to all stakeholders in health facilities based on the agreed National and WHO Guidelines.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Legal Safety and Regulatory Requirements Essay
Human resources was created to make sure the organization reaches its goals, which is to maximize returns on investment from the organization’s human capital and minimize financial risk, providing the organization with well trained and motivated employees, to ensure all reconciliation of individual goals with those of the organization, developing overall personality of each employee in its multidimensional aspect, and ensuring effective utilization and maximum development of human resources. Along with these responsibilities the human resources department also have regulations they have to follow such as the Equal Opportunity Commission (EEOC). This commission established on July 2, 1965, and is listed under the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA),[7] the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008. The U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is responsible for enforcing federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an employee because of the person’s race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information. It is also illegal to discriminate against a person because the person complained about discrimination, filed a charge of discrimination, or participated in an employment discrimination investigation or lawsuit. Most employers with at least 15 employees are covered by EEOC laws (20 employees in age discrimination cases). Most labor unions and employment agencies are also covered by these laws. The laws apply to all types of work situations, including hiring, firing, promotions, harassment, training, wages, and benefits (U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, n. d. ). The EEOC provides employees with the opportunity to have an investigation if they feel they have been discriminated against. If the discrimination can be justified then the commission does have the right to file a lawsuit to ensure that the employees’ rights and interest of the public are protected. The EEOC provides leadership and guidance to federal agencies on all aspects of the federal government’s equal employment opportunity program. EEOC assures federal agency and department compliance with EEOC regulations, provides technical assistance to federal agencies concerning EEO complaint djudication, monitors and evaluates federal agencies’ affirmative employment programs, develops and distributes federal sector educational materials and conducts training for stakeholders, provides guidance and assistance to our Administrative Judges who conduct hearings on EEO complaints, and adjudicates appeals from administrative decisions made by federal agencies on EEO complaints (U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, n. . ). The guidelines for employees have been made into regulations enforced by the Equal Employment Opportunity instead of the perception â€Å"common sense and compassion in the workplace†has been replaced by litigation to make discrimination incidents legally enforced. History has changed so much over time such as the act to abolish race discrimination better known as the Civil Rights Act that was passed in 1908. The individuals within the human resource department must be well versed in all the laws and regulations as set by the United States as they are expected to abide by these laws and rules. Once the potential employee has signed an employment contract, a new relationship is formed between employer and employee. â€Å"Both employers and employees have rights and obligations to each other when they enter into a contract. An employment contract spells out explicitly the terms of the employment relationship for both employee and employer (Gomez-Mejia, Balkin, & Cardy, 2010, p. 441)†. Along with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission there are also other entities that are in place to protect the rights of the employee and the employer such as National Labor Relations Board, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. These regulations and laws are very important within the health care field and needs to be understood throughout the organization to prevent any wrong doings. These entities should be complied with and enforced the regulations which will decrease any chance of liability for the human resources department and organization. The human resources department staff to have extensive training to protect employees from frivolous incidents. Currently, because of the of Civil Rights (OCR) administers ensures Agency compliance with the laws, regulations, policies, and guidance that prohibit discrimination in the Federal workplace based on race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, genetic information, or reprisal better known as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
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