Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Breast Cancer Essay - 1204 Words
BREAST CANCER I) Anatomy of the breast nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The breast is a gland designed to make milk. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; II) What is breast cancer? nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Breast cancer is an abnormal growth of cells. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;These abnormal growths are called tumors. Not all tumors are cancerous. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Non-cancerous tumors – benign nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cancerous tumors – malignant nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;If not treated the cancer may spread to other parts of the body. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Breast cancer is the most common malignancy in women and the†¦show more content†¦V) Breast cancer types nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ductal Carcinoma in-situ nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Infiltrating Ductal – most common type nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Medullary Carcinoma nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Infiltrating Lobular nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Tubular Carcinoma nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Mucinous Carcinoma nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Inflammatory Breast Cancer VI) Screening and testing nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Brest self exam nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Breast physical exam – help to find lumps that women may miss with their own nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;self-exams. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Mammogram - include 2 views of both breasts nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;detect calcifications, cysts and fibroadenomas nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ultrasound – sends high frequency sound waves through the breast and converts nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;them to images – complements other testing nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;MRI – Magnetic Resonance Imaging – usesShow MoreRelatedBreast Cancer And Cancer Prevention2347 Words  | 10 Pages INTRODUCTION Statistics indicate that breast cancer-related complications are among the top causes of death among women for over 23% of all women’s deaths in the world (Donepudi et al., 2014). The great cases of breast cancer are attributed to lack of information on and hard data on the disease, especially on early diagnosis and treatment options. In America, breast cancer is among the top causes of cancer-related deaths, and the mortality rate is relatively high as compared to the neighboring countriesRead MoreThe For Breast Cancer Action1612 Words  | 7 Pagesintention to give some part of the profit towards breast cancer causes. Ironically, the money made from this marketing will often not significantly benefit somebody with breast cancer. The pink ribbon was originally created by the Susan G Komen foundation yet anybody can use this symbol, because there is no intellectual copyright on it. Pinkwashing is term was first coined by the organization called breast cancer action, whose m ission is to â€Å"Breast Cancer Action’s mission is to achieve health justiceRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer Essay1433 Words  | 6 PagesBreast cancer is a carcinoma that develops due to malignant cells in the breast tissue. Cancerous cells are more likely to produce in the milk-producing ducts and the glands, ductal carcinoma, but in rare cases, breast cancer can develop in the stromal, fatty, tissues or surrounding lymph nodes, especially in the underarm (Breast Cancer). For women, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer and the 2nd leading cause of cancer death – behind skin cancer. While treatment or surgeries canRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer1346 Words  | 6 Pagesinternational symbol for breast cancer support and awareness. Breast cancer knows neither racial boundaries nor age restrictions. Females of all ages and ethnicities can develop breast cancer and it is the leading most common cancer among women. Calling at tention to this often fatal disease is important by supporting its victims, families and friends of victims, as well as raising funds for breast cancer research. Though males are not immune from developing a breast cancer, for the purposes of thisRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer946 Words  | 4 PagesSkylar Steinman Period 6 Ms. Jobsz 12 February , 2016 Breast Cancer It is commonly known that Breast Cancer is one of the most insidious diseases that mankind has had to deal with. With the discovery of the BRCA1( BReast Cancer gene one) and BRCA2 (BReast Cancer gene two) genes, breast cancer can be detected with a great amount of certainty on a genetic level in some women and men. 40,000 women and men die of breast cancer each year. Knowing this it is very important to try to detect the mutationRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer1530 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"Cancer†is the name for a group of diseases that start in the body at the cellular level. Even though there are many different kinds of cancer, they all begin with abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body. These abnormal cells lump together to form a mass of tissue or â€Å"malignant tumor†. Malignant means that it can spread to other parts of the body or Metastasize . If the breast is the original location of the cancer gr owth or malignant tumor, the tumorRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer Essay1741 Words  | 7 Pages Internationally, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer and the leading cause of cancer related death amongst women. (CITE) Each year an estimated 1.7 million new cases are diagnosed worldwide, and more than 500,000 women will die of the disease. (CITE) According to (CITE), somewhere in the world one woman is diagnosed with breast cancer every 19 seconds and more than three women die of breast cancer every five minutes worldwide. (CITE) Breast cancer is a heterogeneous condition thatRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer1372 Words  | 6 PagesBreast Cancer Disease Overview Breast cancer is a disease in which certain cells in the breast become abnormal and multiply uncontrollably to form a tumor. Breast cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in women. (Only skin cancer is more common.) About one in eight women in the United States will develop invasive breast cancer in her lifetime. Researchers estimate that more than 230,000 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in U.S. women in 2015. Cancers occur when aRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer1471 Words  | 6 PagesBreast cancer Introduction to Breast cancer Breast cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer only surpassed by lung cancer. It involves a cancerous tumour located inside the breast but spreads if treatment is not administered. (Evert et al 2011) Breast cancer can be treated if diagnosed in its early stages but becomes progressively more difficult upon reaching more advancing malignant stages. Breast cancer can be confused with being a female only disease however both sexes suffer. AccordingRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer1921 Words  | 8 PagesIntroduction Cancer is a term that every individual on this planet wants to avoid hearing when they go to their yearly check up at the doctors. However, as person ages, they are prone to develop some sort of sickness and most of the time, they could develop cancer of some sort. For this research paper, I am going to go over breast cancer. Breast cancer is a well-known type of cancer with awareness events going on to support both women and men who has breast cancer. According to American Cancer Society
Monday, December 16, 2019
Islam, By Michael Lipka And Conrad Hackett - 1606 Words
Today, religion is a very controversial topic; and perhaps the most controversial religion of all, is Islam. Islam is the world s second largest religion after Christianity, and the fastest growing religion in the world. Research conducted by Michael Lipka and Conrad Hackett found that, Muslims will grow more than twice as fast as the overall world population between 2010 and 2050 and, in the second half of this century, will likely surpass Christians as the world’s largest religious group. With so many different views on what a Muslim is or should be; one may wonder what Islam actually teaches. If it truly what the media portrays it to be, then we all have a very good reason to be afraid. While many people combat stereotyping, I have developed quite a few negative views about Islam over the years, due to my horrible experiences with Islam. Although I despise stereotyping, I believe that many stereotypes exist for good reasons. Just like Christianity and Judaism, Islam is a monotheistic religion; meaning it is centered on the worship of one divine creator. Most Muslims would agree that Islam is a peaceful religion, and many Muslims claim that the word Islam translates to peace in Arabic. However, this is false, the word Islam actually means Surrender. Islam is a very strict religion, focusing heavily on what you do during the time that you’re alive, rather than what you believe. Many rules must be followed at all times. A person who breaks one of those rules
Sunday, December 8, 2019
International Capital Market Law
Question: Briefly explain the difference between a Commercial Letter of Credit, and a Demand Guarantee or Bank Guarantee, also known as a Standby Letter of Credit. Discuss briefly how each major variety of documentary credit is used in the market. Answer: Letter of credit: Letter of credit is a financial instrument, which is issued by the bank to the seller on the behalf of its customers. Thus, if buyers fail to make the payment so that bank will be liable to collect the purchase amount from the buyers. However, letter of credit often issued for international trade business (Sumangil, 2011). Bank guarantee: Bank guarantee is also a financial instrument, having almost similar function that of a letter of credit it means to ensure the liability of debtor will be met. Letter of credit and bank guarantee is the important financial instrument in the international market. Although, in a letter of credit, bank assures the seller that it will receive an amount to provide the goods and services to its buyers for a period of time. Hence, if the buyer fails to make the payment of goods and services so that bank will be liable to cover the cost of liability from the seller. But at the same time, bank guarantee agree to cover the liability (Onyiriuba, 2015). Thus bank contract between seller and buyer to cover debt amount, which is incurred by the buyer. Consequently, contract agreement reduces the financial risk in the market. However, letter of credit is a written document, which has some obligation for the fulfillment of the contract. Thus, the bank pays the total amount to the seller. On the other hand, in the bank guarantee, the seller receives the amount without any obligation as per in the contract. Moreover, letter of credit is mostly used in international business. Whereas bank guarantees are often used in real estates and infrastructure development, which overcomes the credit risk in the market (Todd, 2013). Simultaneously bank guarantee have a large market as compared to the letter of credit. Though, letter of credit issued by the lending institution i.e. import LCs, export LCs, revocable LCs, etc. whereas, bank guarantees comes in payment guarantee, loan guarantee, deferred payment guarantee, trade credit guarantee, etc. Furthermore, letter of credit issued subject to UCP600 that means UCP is the rules, which is prepared by the ICC banking commission. While bank guarantee issues the subject to U RDG758. However, in a letter of credit, the beneficiary receives the amount when he fulfills his duties (Parameswaran, 2011). At the same time, in bank guarantee, beneficiary claims its payment from the guarantor bank in case beneficiary fulfills his duties. Similarly, Letter of credit makes the transaction plain whereas bank guarantee mitigates the loss during failure of the transaction planned. Apart from this, merchants choose a letter of credit for effective delivery and payment system (Brooke and Buckley, 2016). But at the same time, in bank guarantee contractors proves their financial credibility due to effective bidding in infrastructure projects. Moreover, letter of credit is usually used for the international dealings that ensure the payment will be received. As well as, it reduces the nonpayment delivered goods risk in the market. Letter of credit helps to increase the business at international level. Similarly, seller easily calculates the payment date of goods with the help of a letter of credit. Whereas bank guarantee provides the protection to seller and buyer, repayment of advance payment deliveries is made on time, etc. (Onyiriuba, 2015). References Sumangil, C.A. (2011) Keys to Understand Documentary Letters of credit. UK: Lulu Press. Onyiriuba, L. (2015) Emerging Market Bank Lending and Credit Risk Control: Evolving Strategies to Mitigate Credit Risk, Optimize Lending Portfolios, and Check delinquent Loans. UK: Academic Press. Todd, P. (2013) Bills of Lading and Bankers' Documentary Credits. UK: Taylor Francis. Parameswaran, S. (2011) Fundamentals of Financial Instruments: An Introduction to Stocks, Bonds, Foreign Exchange, and Derivatives. USA: John Wiley Sons. Brooke, M.Z. and Buckley, P.J. (2016) Handbook of International Trade. UK: Springer.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Organizations culture
Introduction Culture in an organization refers to the values, beliefs, history and attitudes of a particular organization. Culture also refers to the ideals of an organization that dictate the way members of the organization relate to each other and to the outside environment.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Organization’s culture specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More An organization’s culture defines its values; the values of an organization refer to the ideology that the members of an organization have as pertains their goals and the mechanisms to be used to achieve these goals. The organization’s values map out the way employees are required to behave and relate to each other in the workplace (Allan, 2004). There is a very important need to develop healthy cultures in all organizations whether they are religious, commercial or institutional. The culture of an organization determines how it is p erceived both by its own employees and its stakeholders. The managers of an organization are said to be able to influence the culture of the organization. This can be done by the implementation of various policies that lead to a culture change. Many organizations have two types of cultures, the culture that management wants to enforce and a culture that dictates the relationships of the employees among each other. Many institutions have been found to have a persistent and hidden culture among the employees. This is the biggest task to organizational management; how to replace the employee culture with the desired culture (Young, 2007). There are two types of culture; namely strong culture and weak culture. Strong culture is whereby the actions and beliefs of the employees are guided by the values of the company. Such a culture ensures smooth and efficient flow of an organization’s activities. Strong cultures result in successful and united organizations. Weak culture on the o ther hand refers to instances where the activities of the employees are not guided by the values of the company. A weak culture results in the need for a strict administration that is bureaucratic so as to ensure that the company’s activities flow well. Weak cultures result in increased overheads and under motivated employees. Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Fig. 1: Organization culture (Burke, 1999). There are five dimensions of an organization’s culture namely power distance, risk taking tendencies, gender issues and employee psychology. The power distance aspect refers to the mentality among the employees on who wields more power and how much power they wield. This will vary among organizations as some have more powerful managers as compared to others. Risk taking tendencies refers to the willingness of the employees and the organization to take risks in an attempt to grow and improve (Jack et al, 2003). Employee psychology on the other hand is an aspect that covers issues such as individualism and collectiveness mentalities in an organization. Companies that have a collective psychology have been found to work and do well as compared to individualistic ones. The individualistic psychology has been found to cause a lack of coordination and flow of activities in organizations. Lastly the gender dimension refers to the mentality of an organization’s employees towards members of the male and female genders. Companies that view women as weaker and disadvantaged sexes have been found to discriminate among each other and result in a reduction of the employee cooperation levels (Jack et al, 2003). There are four types of cultures in modern day organizations, role cultures, power cultures, person cultures and task cultures. Role cultures exist in organized and systematic organizations where the amount of power that an employee has is d etermined by the need that they fulfill in the organization. Power cultures are those that have a few powerful individuals who are required to drive and direct the rest of the organization. Person cultures are cultures that exist when an organization’s employees feel superior to the company; this is a common culture in most law firms and firms that are formed by individual professionals who merge with others to form organizations. A tasks culture is a culture that is geared towards accomplishing tasks and doing things. Organisational culture and project management structure It is very important to understand the culture of an organization so as to enable an organization to map out the type of management that suits it. Culture as mentioned, is the accepted standard in which the employees of an organization relate to each other and to the stakeholders.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Organization’s culture specifically for you for only $1 6.05 $11/page Learn More There are several factors that affect the culture of an organization. These include technological exposure, environmental conditions, geographical situation, organizational rules and procedures and influence of organizational peers on a subject. Such factors affect the culture of an organization and in the long run its management structure (Johnstone et al, 2002). Organizational cultures can have both positive and negative effects on the organization. Negative and unwanted cultures are those that oppose change in an organization. These cultures have the tendency of inhibiting the innovation and implementation of change in an organization. Therefore the understanding of an organization’s culture can be used to determine: Why certain projects of the organization have failed or are failing Aspects of the culture that hinder innovation and change What needs to corrected so as to improve how the organization operates The origin of certain c ulture within an organization Measures that can be taken so as to introduce new culture or improve on the current culture An in depth understanding of an organization’s culture is important so as to allow project managers and other managers to affect the mode in which activities are carried out. To influence the performance of the organization an understanding of its cultures is very necessary so as it enables the management to filter its employees and choose performers from non performers (Johnstone et al, 2002). The proper understanding of organizational culture and its use in deciding a suitable management structure cannot be stressed further. The success of a project depends on how it is managed. There are three major types of project management namely; project, functional and matrix management structures. Functional management refers to the type of management that focuses on specialty areas and skills. The departments and responsibilities are determined by the skills of the members. There is vertical and horizontal communication between the departments. To allow operation of all arms of the organization bureaucratic means are used so as to ensure smooth flow of the business. This type of management tends to reduce operational costs and encourage the specialization of labour. Specialization in turn leads to better efficiency and standardization of activities. Disadvantages of the functional approach include the integration of budgets, operational plans and procedures into the project activities making it cumbersome to implement (Kloppenborg, 2009). Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Fig.1: Functional project management (Young, 2007). Project based organization on the other hand is whereby the activities of a company are organized according to its ongoing projects. This type of management is based on the objectivity principle that emphasizes the importance of solid objectives in improving the efficiency of an organization’s processes. This principle is used in scenarios that require the efficient management of projects that involve activities from different disciplines e.g. medicine, engineering, law. The advantages of such management techniques include the fact that power and responsibility is decentralized and is carried out by managers of different teams. Such a management technique also allows for the proper utilization of time, leads to reduced cost and enhanced quality levels. Such a management technique is suitable for certain company profiles and cultures, for example: Management of large projects and organizations that require the delegation of responsibilities Situations with restricted cost and specification parameters Situations that require the coordination and completion of projects from different but interrelated disciplines In cultures that value responsibility and accountability of ones actions / decisions Cultures that encourage communication among all management levels Fig. 2: Example of a project based management (Allan, 2004). The project based management structure also faces a few limitations like any other structure. Limitations include the inability of a project manager to mobilize all the resources of a company as he has direct control of only what falls under his area of specialty. Employees and managers of such projects have been found to become slack towards the termination of projects due to the fear of losing their jobs once their projects have been completed (Kloppenborg, 2009). Due to the limitations of both the operational and functional management structures the matrix was developed. This structu re combines both structures to form a hybrid structure. In this type of structure there are two types of managers, namely functional and operational who work together in the same system. The functional managers are responsible for the distribution of resources in their specialty departments and the operational managers coordinate and manage the activities of their departments. The functional managers are also responsible for overseeing all the technical decisions that fall under their departments. This method of management has its advantages such as: the project manager oversees all activities that fall under his department. He has all authority and power and thus this eliminates the wastage of time as a result of quarrels and conflicts among the top levels of an organization. Secondly the manager is able to use organization resources in facilitating the execution of the intended goals and objectives of the company. Disadvantages include the conflicts and coercion between project ma nagers and functional managers that is bound to occur in such a setting. This kind of relationship has an eventual effect on employee motivation as it often results in the demoralization of employees (Young, 2007). Fig. 3: Matrix management structure (Burke, 1999) There are various factors that are considered when choosing the management structure of a project. These include the type of activities to be carried out, their importance / order of priority, the human skill required, the amount of time needed and the resources that are required to accomplish the set targets. Situations that require extensive cooperation and interaction of the functions of an organization require matrix types of management. However there is no optimum type of organization and the organization must strive to come up with solutions to its unique needs and situations. For a project to be well managed a healthy culture of communication must be developed. Communication theories propose that the project manage r should always be like the hub of a bicycle. This means that the project manager acts as a focal point through which suggestions and results are received from various stakeholders. The project manager also acts as the supporting point for the communication wheel. It is therefore very important for project managers to assist in maintaining a good communicative culture within the organization (Burke, 1999). Factors such as nature of businesses in which the organization is in, size of projects and type of projects will also have a strong impact on the type of management structure that an organization may use. Formal management structure vs culture of parent organisation Formal management has an overall effect on the operations of an organization. The type of management that an organization has ultimately affects how its activities are carried out. Formal management is important in an organization as it serves as a foundation on which an organization’s goals and principles are g uided. There are various guidelines that dictate the behavior and characters of managers in formal systems. Managers in formal managements are required to have high integrity / moral standards, should be an effective communicators and listeners of others. Managers serve as the basis through which a formal management system is enforced. The project manager should also relate well with people. He should have the ability to motivate and influence his workers positively. The project manager is also bestowed with the responsibility of ensuring that all aspects and stakeholders of a project work together for the common good of the organization. The manager is also responsible for setting time frames and ensuring that the project adheres to the set schedules. This serves the purpose of ensuring that there is timely flow of an organization’s activities. Project managers are also required to make assessment of risks that could affect a project and try to manage the risks. In summary, project managers make up the backbone of any formal project management system and the performance of any project depends on the managers themselves (Burke, 1999). There are three distinct characteristics that define a formal management structure; formality, the presence of groupings and the implementation of various systems. There exist rules and regulations that govern the relationships of the members of the organization. These rules also guide the reporting mechanisms of the members and the responsibilities / power which each member holds. These rules and regulations form the basis of all relationships and activities within the organization. Formal organizations also group their members into teams and taskforces that are designed to suit various needs within the organization. For example accountants will usually be grouped together, designers with fellow designers and so forth. The groupings form departments and many departments form the organization. However formal management has been said to be a very rigid mechanism by which an organization / project should be kept in check. This is because failure on the part of the managers would result in the total collapse of the organization. This is because managers are expected to provide guidance, direction and ensure that all members perform their duties. Culture on the other hand is a better driver as it does not need to be enforced by anyone. Culture is self driven and once the members of an organization have adopted a desirable culture they will conduct themselves in accord to the culture without being supervised by a manager (Johnstone et al 2002). Culture is also a better means of ensuring that a project is completed as it allows people to go out of the set boundaries and make innovations. Culture driven projects are better as they allow for unified and independent thinking at the same time. Whereas a formal management structure relies on the manager to make decisions a culture driven project accepts all dec isions as long as they fall under the culture boundaries of the organization. Formal management structures are slow and time consuming. This is because all major decisions and control is dependent on the managers. This leads to a very slow decision making process as the managers have to receive reports from members, deliberate on the reports and then give their recommendations. In cases where the manager is slow or is not presence this hinders the further development of the project (Young, 2007). Many organizations that employ the formal type of management usually group their employees into departments. The departments are usually made up of people with common skills and areas of expertise. However such departmental setups hinder the exchange and sharing of ideas between people of different areas of expertise. Due to the formal setup members from different departments lack a common factor that would enhance cooperation between the departments. This leads to poor coordination between the departments. In culture driven organizations, the members are unified by the common culture and this enhances the cooperation levels of the employees. Culture driven projects are therefore much more organized and have a better flow of activities as compared to formal projects (Kloppenborg, 2009). Formal management of projects requires the mapping out and development of clear cut systems that will ensure the smooth flow of the project. These systems are essential in ensuring efficient execution of the project and its activities. Culture driven projects however do not need such a system so as to run smoothly. The culture itself forms a dynamic system through which all the activities are executed effectively. Strategic management is a major component of formal management systems. It involves the science and methodologies of formulating cross functional parameters that enable an organization to achieve its objectives. Strategic management involves the development of missions and vi sions, mapping out of objectives and the making of critical decisions for the company (Allan, 2004). Projects in formal management are stepping stones on which a firm uses to achieve its goals and objectives. The project development processes of a firm are driven by its strategic development goals and objectives. Examples of strategic elements include mission, objective, goals, programs and workable strategies. Formal management is however beneficial as it promotes proper and sober decision making as compared to culture based management. This is because decision making and planning activities in a formal management are usually done after careful consideration and assessment. Culture based management is however prone to errors and misguided actions due inadequate consideration and thinking. Conclusion From the study it is evident that culture is an important aspect of any organization. Culture has been found to affect the behavioral attitudes of a company’s employees and the m anner through which these attitudes are manifested. The strong impacts of culture have resulted in the need for managers to find ways to affect the culture of their employees and of the work places. By influencing the culture of an organization the managers are therefore able to influence the way the organization operates. Culture is an unsaid norm which the members of an organization abide to (Jack et al, 2003). Organizations implement different types of organization structures. The type of organization structure implemented depends on the size and project characteristics. The type of project management has an effect on the eventual delivery of the project. The study has shown that there is no perfect method of management. Managers of projects are therefore required to assess and identify the appropriate structure for their specific conditions. Project management structures have a great effect on the quality and effectiveness of the organization’s activities (Allan, 2004). T he study has brought to light the importance of proper culture in an organization. Culture has been found to be a better determinant of employee behavior as compared to formal management. Formal management is dependent on the enforcement of those in authority / wield power. Culture on the other hand is enforced by the members themselves as they are part and pertinent of the culture. Formal management has also been found to be excessively bureaucratic and procedural and thus its implementation is rather cumbersome and expensive. Culture has therefore been found as the most appropriate way of managing a project. References Allan, B., 2004. Project Management: tools and techniques for today’s ILS professional. London: Facet Publishing. Ashish, D., 2010. Project management Module. Hull: University of Hull. Burke, R., 1999. Project Management, Planning and control Techniques. Chichester: Wiley. Jack, M. Mentel, S., 2003. Project Management: A Managerial Approach. New Jersey: W iley and Sons. Johnston, R. Chambers, S. Slack, N., 2002. Operations management. Essex: Pearson Publishers. Kloppenborg, T., 2009. Project management A Contemporary. Chicago: Xavier University. Young, T., 2007. The Handbook of Project Management, A practical Guide to Effective Policies and Procedures. Washington: Kogan Page publishers. This essay on Organization’s culture was written and submitted by user Cap'nOz to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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